Privacy Policy We identify your device for target-ads so the ad provider could tell whether a certain ad was already shown to you and to determine if an App Store or Google Play Store ad should be displayed. Ydplan GAMES. reserves the right to use and disclose the collected non-personal data for purposes of advertisement by Ydplan GAMES. or Ydplan GAMES.’s partners and contractors. Ydplan GAMES. may employ third party ad serving technologies that use certain methods to collect information as a result of ad serving through Services. Ydplan GAMES. or third parties operating the ad serving technology may use demographic and location information as well as information logged from your hardware or device to ensure that appropriate advertising is presented within the Service. Ydplan GAMES. or third parties may collect and use data for this purpose including, but not limited to IP address (including but not limited to for purposes of determining your coarse location), Device ID, MAC, software, applications, hardware, browser information, internet and on-line usage information and in-game information. The foregoing data may be used and disclosed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the privacy policy of the company providing the ad serving technology. You recognize and agree that the advertising companies who deliver ads for Ydplan GAMES. may combine the information collected with other information they have independently collected from other services or products. These companies collect and use information under their own privacy policies. These ad serving technologies are integrated into Services; if you do not want to be subject to this technology, do not use or access Services. Although Ydplan GAMES. takes commercially reasonable steps to instruct such advertising companies to comply with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, Ydplan GAMES. does not have access to or control of third party technologies.